Phase IV Firearms is required for all persons who want to become a licensed armed security officer. Instruction will focus on the handling and firing of a handgun, handgun safety, maintenance, legal issues and marksmanship. Firearm usage will be off campus at a CLEET criteria met range and evaluated and supervised by the CLEET instructor. All firearms and ammunition will be approved by the CLEET instructor and students must furnish their own firearms and ammunition. Before a student can be enrolled into the course, they must submit their Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory results. Firearm usage will be conducted at an off-campus firing range under close supervision. Students are required to furnish their own .38 or .45 or 9mm caliber handgun and 400 rounds of ammunition. Students must be 21 years or older and attendance during all class sessions is required.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-MMPI The MMPI is a test to determine the capability of an individual to exercise appropriate judgment, restraint, and self-control when carrying a firearm. MMPI is good for 6 months until employed or self-employed and then 5 yrs. until expiration.