The course requires a minimum of 110 contact hours; however, some students may require additional hours to meet the course requirements. Additional fees will be assessed for additional time and hours above the 110 contact hours and the six month period allowed for the course. All classroom, blended lab and clinical experiences are supervised by nursing faculty members who hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree or higher. Please call Rebecca Graham for more information.
Must meet on of the following: Applicant for Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse Licensure by endorsement, reinstatement, or return to active status who need to complete a Nurse Refresher Course to meet Board of Nursing Requirements. Graduates of nursing programs who have not taken and/or passed the NCLEX within two years of completion of their nursing education program. Foreign-educated nurses who are seeking who are seeking licensure in Oklahoma but who have never been licensed in the United States. Nurses who hold a current license but who have been before the board for disciplinary action (must present a copy of their board order). Currently licensed Oklahoma nurses who would like an update of nursing knowledge